Age 8-10

T̠h̠e̠ t̠r̠e̠e̠

A̠ p̠e̠r̠s̠o̠n̠ c̠l̠a̠i̠m̠i̠n̠g̠ a̠ s̠l̠u̠g̠ o̠n̠ i̠t̠ h̠a̠n̠g̠i̠n̠g̠

Just some rain

Its raining and the tree is stopping the rain

The tree

My drawing is about a tree this tree is a tree I love it’s a great tree.

The morning walk

Me in the woods having a picnic on a table

Don’t cut down trees

Don’t cut down trees because there are loads of animals that live in them.


I like treehouse because you can play inside and outside.

Don’t cut down trees

Don’t cut down trees they help people breathe and are homes for animals.

Don’t chop down trees they can help you!

Don’t chop trees down.

nature house

Don’t chop down trees because they have lots of animals in them! and they make oxyen for you.

We need trees

A tree’s way of life. Please leave us alone when we die you die.


My tree

save the trees

save the trees because they give you beautiful oxigan

I love trees

I did my picture is based on real life

trees love love love


TREES RULE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This picture reminds me of the time I was in my tree swinging on my swing that was attached to my tree. Ahhh the good old days


save the trees


This picture is about the shade of the tree.


Trees. Save trees. Please. Save trees and change the climate change. Donate to a fundraising website, but don’t get scammed. Help the Earth, plant a tree. You can help us save Earth.

Save the trees!

We’re killing trees guys! We need to stop. You could try: Donating to a fundraising site! (make sure its real though) Planting your own. Trees are important for the world they give us a lot of things we have to have the life YOU’RE living and change all this climate change.

love trees


Save the trees

This picture is about trees giving shade to animals

We love trees!

Save the trees to keep the produce of oxygen!

Trees help us help the trees

This picture is about a tree making fruit for people.

I ♥ trees
