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Which One?

Help save our planet!

The Lonely Tree by Jasmine Martin

This is a lonely tree, by Jasmine Martin. I love the colours of the leaves! I love the animals and birds in the trees, but am worried that trees will be lonely, and wildlife will become extinct if humans continue to destroy the climate and life on earth. Trees are the lungs of the planet.

Lets together preserve our mother nature.

My drawing describes the beauty of the lives of penguins and the spectacular colours and the beauty of the sea bed and the coral reefs…

Climb a tree and see the world

We need excellent air quality so that children in the future can climb trees and see the big wide world that is our there.

Trees, Me and Humanity

If I was a tree what tree would I be? I’d be a tree for all living things and humanity. Inhaling impurities, exhaling clean, fresh air and cleaning the atmosphere so we can go on living here.

A tree’s dream

Please plant a tree so that trees can keep dreaming of new and amazing ways that they can help make the world healthier, help our penguins live a life full of adventures and keep our fish swimming in the beautiful coral. Thank you 🙂


The condition of ocean is bad, fishes are in danger because we are throwing garbage in the ocean.

Elements of Earth by Mercy Mbabazi

This drawing consists of four female faces that each represent four core elements of the earth. The top left is air, the middle right is fire, the bottom left is earth, and the bottom right is water. Climate change affects these elements in various ways and in the process destabilizes their existence.

Let us save our 🌎

Let us save our 🌎 like this

Niassa trees, our life

Trees make our water not to dry quickly. We need plants to get enough rain

I love flowers

Trees produce flowers. I love flowers. Bees need them too to produce honey

Let’s breathe while planting

Most favourite thing is playing swing. I can’t do it in my home, because we don’t have space in our garden but if there are many trees I think one day the future generations would do


Trees give out oxygen, even because of them we have the rains, in short they maintain ecological balance. If we would cut trees what is going to happen is that population won’t stop growing but oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce..They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen

‘My burning planet and demolishing wildlife’

Our planet is burning just because no one cares if forests are destroyed or trees are cut down. We as the next generation want a future. We demand immediate action to combat climate change and save our natural regions, more importantly trees!

Save greens

Save greens We should not cut down trees. It rains on the earth because of the trees. So if the trees are cut down,many animals and birds may die without getting water.So we should plant more trees.

Spruce Cliff

A Fauvist inspired Spruce forest cooling the alpine for the pikas of the Rocky Mountains.

Bees and trees

Trees keeps honey for both people and animals. They give us oxygen

Trees and bees source of food

The relationship between trees and bees provide us fruits and honey.

We need shade to dance

Shade from the tree contributes to tirelessness dancing. They provide air in the space

My ancestors tree

Baobab tree gives us fruits. It absorves carbon dioxide that destroys ozone layer

Our Niassa Trees, our life

This tree gives me air to breath and shade to seat under.

The final view

Peaceful.  In the swing hanging from a leafy tree overlooking the forests beyond.  Let this not be the final view.