Age 11-13

Stop climate change

Trees are beautiful and they help the environment by making oxygen.

My favourite tree

Trees are important because they keep the ocean cold. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. Carbon dioxide is what’s making the earth hot so we need more trees to breathe in carbon dioxide.


My favourite tree is an apple tree.


Trees help to make oxygen and that helps people and animals breathe.

Trees for the climate

Trees help our environment.

Trees help the environment

Trees help take carbon out of the air and create oxygen for our climate.


Trees help us and are homes for animals.

Trees help our climate

We need trees to produce oxygen so we can live happy and be healthy.

Trees help the environment

Trees store carbon and release oxygen.


Trees make us live also breathe out oxygen.

Tree lives matter

Trees are important because they keep everyone healthy. Trees give everyone oxygen and store carbon.

trees for the climate

i like trees because they keep us and other animals alive by producing oxygen.


In one side I have shown clean earth, save earth and on the other side I have shown the effect of no rain falls.


If there will be no trees there will be no oxygen, there will be no food and medicines.

Global warming

One side there is greenery and other side there is no greenery. I like greenery side more so for that all of us needs to save trees.


We have to save the trees for the future children. Trees give us fresh air. We should not burn the forest.


Save the trees. Do not cut the trees. Trees are important to us as food and water.


Save trees to save your life. Save mother earth !!


Global warming refers to the climate change that increases the average temperature of the lower atmosphere.


Save the trees or else we will not get food, fruits, flowers and other things.


Trees save your life. if we will grow more industries, we will cut more trees. Please save trees and earth.

Climate change

In this puctire I have shown that the ice is melting because of climate change.

Save the planet

Save the planet. We should try to stop global warming.

Global warming

Stop global warming. Global warming is not cool.We should try to stop it. It is very harmful for us and animals also.