Age 5-7

Birds need trees

Birds need trees for their nests.

Liv’s Tree

Trees We can climb trees. Trees give us air. We can make clothes from trees. We make houses and shelters using tree parts. We can make a play ground under the trees.


Be a superhero and save the trees so that the planet can breathe.

Lenny’s Tree

Trees make homes for animals and clean the air.

All the animals like trees

All the animals like trees to live in and for food.

James’s Tree

Trees make homes for animals.

Indi’s Drawing

Trees We can climb trees. Trees give us air. We can make tree forts in trees and they are homes for lots of animals.

A great tree picture

We need trees!

Ilian’s Tree

Trees help us stay alive. They give us food and shade and air. Trees make homes for animals.

Gabrielle’s Tree

Trees make homes for squirrels. They clean the air.

Charlie’s Drawing

Trees give us food. They give us air.

Arlo’s Tree

Trees make homes for all the animals. They clean the air.

Aivah’s Tree

Trees are important, they give us oxygen and they give us food like oranges and apples and pears.

How long will it take to grow?

Birds and children saddened by the loss of a tree, wondering how long it will take to grow back.

A Majestic Tree

This is a beautiful tree near school with a rope swing that I love as it’s so fun and we can swing in the shade. It’s also home to lovely song birds and other creatures.

Tree House Slide

I wish to live with nature in my own treehouse which will have a slide for me to also have fun Kabir, Age 5


Let’s not add waste to the sea, Let’s protect the sea

An eagle landing on a tree

I love eagles and eagles love trees! This is my painting of an eagle landing on the top of a tree.

No palms!

We hope palms and tropical trees never make it to Svalbard.

Save trees, they are home to animals

Trees give us oxygen and are home to animals. Save trees, save earth.

Volcano Trees

I love trees and that they can grow anywhere, even on volcanoes!

Save Tree, Save Life

We must save trees as they give us Oxygen, fruits, flowers, wood, shelter and much more. Save Trees to Save Water, Save Nature, Save Life and Save Earth.

Do Not Cut Trees, Adopt One

We can use our hands to do Good Work. So let us grow trees or adopt one and make planet Earth a beautiful place to live.

Trees are home to the birds.Please don’t cut them

Trees are home to the Birds.They give us shade and keep our Earth cool.Please don’t cut trees.