Age 8-10

Time Is Running Out For Penguins

This is my art work it is about a tree with water dripping out on the floor with the sun getting to close so the Earth is getting to hot and some penguins are getting sick and penguins are losing ice burgs. The penguins are trying to stay cold but the sun is warming them…  Read More

A tree without life

This is a tree without life so we all need to work together to stop this no one wants a word like this so help the trees!

Bad and Good

In this picture I tried to recreate the ocean and coral coral reef but with a good side and bad side.

Poor penguins

This drawing is about the poor penguins loosing their home and the background around the sphere is the Corel reef that is dead.At the top of my art is a fire starting.

A blood day VS a natural life

My drawing represents a bad side which has a bleeding tree trying to survive on dead earth. My good side is just a plain tree living a happy life on planet earth. If you don’t want bleeding trees ending up in the forests then stop treating trees like complete devils and start thinking about how…  Read More


My drawing is about a dying tree in water and it makes me think. Can we do better? Of course we can. Save the trees! Save the trees! Save the trees!


Climate change is changing the earth and in my picture I drew that the colours are disappearing. WE MUST ALL HELP TO SAVE THE EARTH!

Windows of Life

I drew a tree to tell people to plant more trees and save the earth there is also coral reefs that are dying and turning white because of climatic changes. The penguins are suffering because of climate change the ice is melting and they are loosing their homes.

Save the coral reef!

I did a drawing of the planet being covered in dying marine life because the sun is heating up and has been really annoying the poor earth.

World earth

It is when you look at the earth by a image. It represents climate change.

Trees are LIFE!

I made this artwork to show that trees are dying. The habitats of polar bears and penguins which they are on the verge of disappearing. Did you know that trees produce oxygen for humans and living things that need air so if all trees die, all human life dies and before you know it, it…  Read More

Problem Tree

In this drawing I drew a tree with its branches separating some of the problems that are happening.Trees an abundance of things that are essential like air, I really hope trees are here to stay!

My view of Earth

What I am showing is my view of Earth in the galaxy with the sun really close to Earth showing how we need to stop the sun getting close with a border of branches, like seeing the world through a window made of branches.

Climate change is near

I’m am trying to show you that the world is changing and we have to look at it as you can see the ozone layer is getting heavy and thicker and all the coral is dying we need to help you and the world

The Circle Of Life

In this picture i tried to draw the circle of life by drawing a tree in a circle, the ocean at the bottom of the picture and the earth in the corner of the page. I feel really concerned about what is happening to the world and how climate change is getting a Warmer.

The Tree of Burning Life

The tree in my picture is the main focus. It’s alive still but it is close to dying, so I was trying to say in this picture about the heat and how it affects the trees. The hot sun can also be another main feature. I’ve made the sun to be scorching hot and glowing.

Tree garden

My drawing is about a tree thinking about the penguins.

What’s Happening Window

In the window of what’s happening, there is a penguin that is doing the splits because the ice is melting. Also the hot sun is lighting up the sky and coral is dying. We must save the Earth!

Climate change the MONSTER!

I drew a picture of the monster (the sun), the biggest of bullies. I showed it coming to another planet for food. Climate change is a big thing that no one really cares about so that’s hope that your are enough to save the planet.

Stop climate change on the earth

My drawing is about the earth good and bad on the sides there is coral dying and dead. On the other there is ice melting with the sun getting bigger and for the side I drew a tree border holding away climate change.

The tree of life

In this picture I tried to recreate the coral reef some trees with a nice pattern and the sun in the Background. In this drawing I drew the earth before everyone was leaving rubbish everywhere.

Ocean sky

I chose to call it ocean sky because it reminds me of the ocean 🌊

Land Under Water

This picture represents on how the earth is getting hot, that trees are dying and the corals reefs are turning white. It shows how climate change is hurting the Earth and making coral reefs and trees dying.

Everything Needs Each Other

This drawing represents the fact that everything rely’s on each other and how humans need to help the penguins and coral reefs for our own benefit because right now the penguins and coral reefs are relying on us as we often rely on them