2021 Contest

Take some notice

You have to notice what’s happening to our earth Notice!

The Tree Of Earth

The tree of earth is dying and getting chopped down! We need to save our trees and coral reefs from global warning

Hot earth meets the sea

My drawing shows that the earth is getting to hot so we need to help the earth!

The Blazing Sun

The blazing sun is burning down on us. We must save our precious Earth!

Wildlife first

Stop now climate change save🌳 please cool the Earth

Our Green Earth!

I love that most trees and plants have colourful leaves and flowers . I also like the scent, aroma of them

Taking over

Slowly socity is taking over nature. This little girl goes to this little tree every single day, only to escape the growing city.


Trees are so calm and relaxing. Trees give us oxygen to live. Without trees, we would be no where in life. Everyone should appreciate trees and not chop any down.

Stop polluting the Earth forever

The trees and the penguins are dying We need to save them stop polluting the earth forever.

Hiding Penguins

Due to the heat the penguins are not so happy about the weather and they just want to get away .My drawing is showing the fact that penguins need a place to hide, these penguins are hiding in a tree to get away from the sun. The coral around is on fire and the black…  Read More

Beautiful old tree

This drawing is what trees should look like but in real life they are dying help the trees

The burning world

There are four penguins on trees and the sun is burning them, the ice is braking with the heat.

Hot earth

Poor penguins for the penguins stop climate change.

The Happy world vs The Depressed Penguins

The world is happy with everything but we’re forgetting about the penguins. All the coral is dying and the penguins homes are breaking.

Love For The Trees

This is my drawings so we must stop polluting the world and our generation. The Earth is getting hotter and hotter because of pollution and Penguins and coral reefs are in need of help. I’m not here to win l’m here to save the Earth

The Protecter of the coral,penguins

The fish are protecting the coral and penguins with trees helping to stop climate change

Stop the climate change

The photo is telling us to stop the climate change help the poor trees.Can we help this? Yes we can by stopping pollution.

The Good Side

It is way to hot so the tree is bleeding and the penguins are floating away. And all he coral is dying.Everyone should plant Trees!!

Running Out Of Time The Sun Is Too Close

My drawing is about a penguin and a tree trying to stop the sun getting too close to the earth. Underneath is a beautiful colourful coral reef with happy fish swimming.

The six sections

The trees and trying to protect Antartica and the penguins are trying to protect the coral.

Circles life

These circles show different parts of the world being killed by climate change.

Time Is Running Out For Penguins

This is my art work it is about a tree with water dripping out on the floor with the sun getting to close so the Earth is getting to hot and some penguins are getting sick and penguins are losing ice burgs. The penguins are trying to stay cold but the sun is warming them…  Read More

A tree without life

This is a tree without life so we all need to work together to stop this no one wants a word like this so help the trees!

Bad and Good

In this picture I tried to recreate the ocean and coral coral reef but with a good side and bad side.