2021 Contest

Tree top owl

Save trees for tree habitats. Owls are natural pest controllers!

Sunsetting Trees

Save the trees before they sunset off the planet.

One Change Makes a Big Difference

We must plant trees that will benefit us and other native animals. Please don’t cut down trees that may threaten animals lives. Let’s all make a change now and help to create homes and clean air for all.

Climate change is BAD!

My drawing represent how climate change can cause bad things such as melting the arctic tundra, this is bad because wildlife that live there will have no where to go! Also a alive coral into a bleaching one just because of climate change. 1 tree equals 1 life, HELP SAVE CLIMATE CHANGE!

Tree of life

My drawing shows that trees are such an excellent way to stop global warming and yet they are so helpful in many ways. I love them because trees provide us with oxygen.

Let’s save trees

Picture shows the drawing of effect in nature with less number of trees on the right side ( shown as red ) and flowers bloomed up in nature ( on left side). We have to plant more trees for good healthy nature.

Love tree

I love trees because they help to give us oxygen. That’s all.

The Sunset Tree

The reason why I called it ‘The Sunset Tree’ is because it is always caught by the sunset. As some of you might see there is a small fire on the tree, with Climate Change there are more fires in Australia.

The 2 sides of Earth

This drawing shows 2 sides of Mother Earth – the clean side and the contaminated side. Trees protect our environment and help to sustain the ecological balance. Trees release water vapour as a byproduct of photosynthesis and this cools down the environment.

The rainbow tree

This is a happy rainbow tree, trees are happy when we plant more trees and fight climate change.

Cool Breeze

My drawing is about the cool air you get under a tree. If you have lied down under a tree you can feel the cool air and how relaxing it is.

I Love Trees

“I love trees because they are beautiful and they give us flowers and fruit”.

Tree Life

I love that trees have lots of animals living on the branches and the trunk.

Playful Nature

The art shows enthusiastic squirrels enjoying their tasty acorns on a wonderful sunny day in the midst of Lush green jungle.

Trees are Life!

Trees are important to me because they are everything. Without them, we would not be here.

Love Bird

Love bird, trees provide homes for many animals not just birds.This picture represents how many homes one single tree can give.So next time you see a person harming a tree gently remind them that they are destroying someones home!

Just Breathe

We all love going to the park, and to have a picnic under a tree. But trees do muck more than give us shade, trees take out the carbon-dioxide from the air.

Helping Tree

Trees are helpful because they keep the ice from melting. We need trees to stay alive, without trees we would not have air to breathe.

the local park

Don’t cut down trees they can be helpful in different ways. You can climb up them or hide behind them or they can give you protection. Maxwell age 11

Dream Time

I love trees because they make oxygen and they give us shade when it is hot.

All For Trees And Trees For All

All trees do is give, it’s not fair, we don’t show the same kindness

Treehouse and play

I love being in the treehouse. I like big treehouses. My treehouse has a swing and I love swinging on it. Also skipping and playing in the tree is what I enjoy.

The tree of stars

Even amongst the shining twinkling stars, this precious is still the star of the show

Trees Give Life

My drawing is about the deforestation around the world and how trees give life and you should not take theirs away.