2021 Contest


In my drawing I have showed that trees are very important.Trees gives us oxygen,provide us food,home to wildlife and birds,shade. We can protect our Mother Earth by planting more trees and recycling paper.Trees help us in fighting climate change.and lastly trees are beautiful 🌳🌲🍀☘️🌼

Where I belong

This drawing is about the importance of trees and how they help the world be awesome.

Our trees matter

This is a picture of the past and the present and what I like to do with trees (right picture). It says ‘If we don’t stop … we’ll lose everything’. This means we need to help save the penguins and coral reefs by planting more trees and by doing that making the world a better…  Read More

Save the penguins and coral reefs from climate change

On one side there is the penguins suffering from climate change and on the other side there is the trees which are trying to stop climate change

The Secret Tree

My favourite tree is amazing because it’s in a secret place. Trees are amazing because they keep us alive by cleaning carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Hiding Tree

My favourite tree is good for climbing and hiding it’s name is Ascbacshidalt but it’s real name is Gum Tree.

The Strong Tree

I love trees because sometimes they live through fires. Eucalyptus trees are homes for koalas.

The Turkey Tree

I love it because it gives me turkeys. And it keeps me and my family alive.

The Climbing Tree

I love it because it is easy to climb. So when I’m running away from something I can go straight up it.

Petal tree

A flower for my mum. That is a tree with petals on the tree and a dragon too.

The Lime Tree

My favourite tree is the lime tree because they are good for hiding and they give us limes. Trees give animals homes and kids can climb them. Trees give us oxygen and air and bugs can have a home.

The Magical Tree

My tree is magical. It’s my favourite tree because it is peaceful. There it is in a little area of the wood with lots of birds and bunnies jumping around. At night it changes colour, it provides air and shade so I can read a book underneath it with peace and quiet.

My Favourite Tree

This is the Alma Bay tree. This is a good tree because you climb up the tree and hang like a koala. Please save the trees. If we don’t save the trees we will have no oxygen .I love trees because they provide oxygen they are also animal homes. They can also be shady areas.

Trees for Air and Mangoes

Trees give us air. I love my mango tree because I can pick mangoes.

Mango Tree

I love trees because they give me oxygen. This is my mango tree. I love the mango.

Air Trees

I love trees because they are amazing because they have a special thing. The thing is that they can give us air.

Koala Food Tree

I love trees because they help animals. They help koalas to live so it can eat, and because it doesn’t drink they can eat leaves to drink.


I love trees because they give us air. Trees are tall and good for koalas and good for birds.

My Favourite Tree

This is my favourite tree because it is tall and produces much oxygen to the world.

My Favourite Tree

This is my favourite tree because I love my big tree. I love my little tree because of the ant. I love my tree because I climb it. I love my tree because it is the life.

Paper and Air

I love trees because they give me air and trees also give me paper.


I love trees because they are homes for possums. I love trees because they save us


Trees are important because lots of animals live in trees, like birds, that is where they build their nests. I love my mango tree because I like mangoes.


Hi I love trees because they give the world air and they are helping animals to live. Trees are very pretty and helpful for lots of people. Trees are very helpful because they make paper.