2021 Contest

Save the Penguins!

It’s a penguin in a tree saying, “Stop global warming and climate change!” to symbolise how they’re losing their home.


The trees take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen and then water plants don’t have to do it all. Then it helps the penguins.


How trees save the penguins in the ocean. They help the ocean plants, so they don’t have to do all of the work.

The Amazing Tree

Trees give us places to play.

Penguin Ice!

The trees help people by giving the world clean air with oxygen. Without trees we would not be alive.

Trees are Magic

Trees give us oxygen


The trees take in carbon dioxide and then give us oxygen to breathe, then the ‘water plants’ don’t have to do it and it saves penguins.

Save the Earth by planting trees

Trees give shade for us to enjoy.

Save our Penguins!!!

Penguins are more and more in danger! Penguins are not a threat to us, but they are threatened!

The friendly tree

I love playing under trees.

Save the Penguins.

Cutting down trees affects climate. So, if climate change keeps up the penguins might die.

Save penguins from erosion and climate change.

Trees suck up carbon dioxide. The sun heats up the earth making it harder for the penguins to survive and thrive.

Trees for Climbing

I love to climb trees.


I breathe air, air is made from oxygen, oxygen comes from trees. Trees take in carbon dioxide. Trees help clean the air for everyone to breathe.

Penguin Tree

Trees take in our carbon dioxide and give us back oxygen so we can live.

Tree Fun

Trees are fun to play on.


Trees provide us with clean air. The earth is getting hotter, so the ice is melting, and the penguins are sad.

The playing tree

A girl is enjoying playing in a large tree.


We need to protect the environment!

The Tree Skyscraper

I love trees because you can climb them and swing on their branches.

Tree Are Our Lungs

I love the colour of trees, they give us fresh air and are lovely.

Tree of happiness

Trees make me happy.

Make the right choice

I believe trees are caluable to animals and humans because they produce oxygen and clean the air.

Tree of Shade

I’m sitting under a shaded tree of strawberries, so delicious I am eating them.