2021 Contest

Allow me to breathe!

One of my lungs is in the tree. What i inhale is what trees exhale. What i exhale is what trees inhale. So please spare me and the trees 🙁 !!

The land in trees

My drawing shows that I like trees because trees + light= life. Because of trees we can survive along with all the other plants and animals.

My Happy World

Global warming is a very big threat to coral reefs, penguins and to the whole world. We are running out of time. We must act to together to protect our mother earth. People from all the nations must come together and plant as many trees as possible to stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide…  Read More


This is my favourite tree. It is also called Japanese cherry or Sakura. I like to read a book under this tree. It has taught me to be unique and it makes the environment colourful with plenty of blooming pink flowers.

The tree and it’s oxygen!

“My drawing is full of life, green grass and a lovely tree with a cubby house on top. The trees let us breathe because they suck in carbon dioxide and bring it out as oxygen.”

Trees give us air and leaves!

“A tree with some persons on here, and frogs on here, and a ladder and Dad”. The thing I love most about trees is: “Giving us air and energy and leaves and mushrooms.”

Trees help our climate

I like trees because you can play in them, also they are good because they breathe in the carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The help save the planet.

Stop climate change

I love trees because they give us air to breathe.

Stop climate change

Trees can help save coral reefs and penguins by giving oxygen to them and for us to live.


I like trees because I can climb and play under them.

Stop global warming

I love trees because they help the economy and the environment, they are amazing and beautiful. Trees are helpful and they help the ecosystem.

They help the Earth

I like trees because they help the Earth. They breathe out oxygen and take in carbon and they look good.

Trees help the sea animals

I like trees because they give us oxygen. Trees are important because they save coral reefs from carbon dioxide.

Trees and ocean

I like trees because they help us breathe air. I also like coral because they are cool.

Trees help us

Trees are important because they take away carbon dioxide and they give us oxygen. my favourite tree is the one and only gum nut tree!!

Trees for the earth

I love trees, they are close to my heart, without them we couldn’t live.

Carbon cleaners

Trees take in carbon dioxide to make oxygen for us to breathe.

Trees are important

Trees are important because they produce oxygen and they help save penguins.

Trees help us

Trees are important because they get rid of carbon and help stop climate change. Trees can help save coral reefs and penguins by getting rid of carbon dioxide.

Trees are beautiful!

I believe that trees are always beautiful, so we should preserve them so everyone else can see their beauty too! Trees are important for humans and animals alike!

Stop climate change

I find trees incredible things because of the way they fight against climate change.


Trees help us breathe. Trees are beautiful so do not take them away as they help fight climate change.


Trees can help save coral reefs and penguins by giving oxygen.

Stop climate change

Trees are important because they homes to many different animals such as Koalas, birds and snakes. Trees help to cool the Earth and if the Earth is hot then the oceans would be hot and the beautiful coral would die.