2021 Contest


We have to save the trees for the future children. Trees give us fresh air. We should not burn the forest.


Save the trees. Do not cut the trees. Trees are important to us as food and water.


Save trees to save your life. Save mother earth !!


Global warming refers to the climate change that increases the average temperature of the lower atmosphere.


Save the trees or else we will not get food, fruits, flowers and other things.


Trees save your life. if we will grow more industries, we will cut more trees. Please save trees and earth.

Please Don’t change our Climate


Protect the Sea.

Elders commitment is to protect the sea coral reef for our future.

Climate change

In this puctire I have shown that the ice is melting because of climate change.

Save the planet

Save the planet. We should try to stop global warming.

Global warming

Stop global warming. Global warming is not cool.We should try to stop it. It is very harmful for us and animals also.


They are truly one of the cutest creatures on the earth and they need our support too.


I wanted to show that because of global warming penguinns are dieing.

Global warming

Global warming is not cool. We should try to stop global warming. It is very harmful.


I want to show that penguins are saying help us, save us through this drawing.

Global warming

In this picture I have shown that because of heat and global warming penguins and other animals are dieing.


I drew that because of global warming penguins are dieing. Penguin children are not getting food. So please stop global warming.

Coral reefs

Coral reefs are dieing around the world beccause of over fishing,blast in sea. Coral reefs need cool water but because of climate change the water is getting hot.


There is a big tree, there are mangoes on the tree, birds are flying around the tree. There is one beautiful house.


In the environment, I have shown importance of trees, it gives us everything like food, shade, medicine without asking anything in return.

Save nature

We should stop cutting trees and building of industries that can save our nature.


We get oxygen from trees and in the current times of COVID we require oxygen cylinder so we need to plant more trees to get more oxygen.


I want to show importance of trees. They give us leaves, flowers, fruits, food and shade etc. Not only that trees are the only one who can give us oxygen, water, clean environment and soil for farming. We cannot imagine life without ‘Trees’.

Global warming

Stop global warming. Global warming is not cool. We should try to stop global warming. It is very harmful for us, animals, birds and etc.