2021 Contest

Plant a Tree

I drew this picture because I love trees and I think there should be more in the community for oxygen.


Trees take in carbon dioxide and gives us oxygen. Trees are important part of ecosystem. There are many species of trees, some provide food and shelter to animals too. Trees provides many resources to us. Trees also provide medicines. Trees prevent soil erosion and floods.

Global warming

In village there is less of pollution and so temperature is under control but in city like Mumbai, there is so much pollution due to vehicles and industries.

Global warming

There are two types of picture shown, positive and negative. In the negative drawing due to factories, sky and water is pollutes. There is garbage all around. In the positive side there is greenery, no pollution, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, water and surrounding is clean.

Global warming

We need to save trees. One side I have drawn colorful picture and other side I have shown a dry tree to stop global warming.

The Seasons Of A Tree

I chose to draw the seasons of a tree because I like how the same tree looks different in each season. I think trees cool the Earth because they take the carbon dioxide out of the air so it isn’t too hot. If we don’t do something about climate change, the seasons won’t be as…  Read More

Saving the Environment!

My drawing is about saving the environment. The meaning of the slogan is, “If we save the environment, we will have a better life.”

The tree of happiness

Trees are at the centre of our life. They bring us joy and happiness, shade and cover, air and even place to build a home.

I love trees

I like trees because they are nature and they are homes for monkeys, orangutans and koalas.

Elements of Earth by Mercy Mbabazi

This drawing consists of four female faces that each represent four core elements of the earth. The top left is air, the middle right is fire, the bottom left is earth, and the bottom right is water. Climate change affects these elements in various ways and in the process destabilizes their existence.

My World in Nature

In my backyard as I play with my friend, I see trees, water, the sun, the blue sky and the white clouds. My friend and I enjoy playing in this backyard. But we are now worried that one day Climate change will take all of this away from us. Please save our world.

The island of penguins

It’s practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry


In this drawing there is a mother penguin crying because her baby is died due to global warming.


Save our children and stop pollution…


Penguins are important and they need to be protected from sun


Please don’t cut trees because of them there is a world.

Global warming

We live on planet Earth, We get food, water etc from mother earth. We should save earth from issues like pollution and global warming.


One side it is showing green but if we do not care about the climate soon everything will become dark like shown in the other side.


Save trees and plant more trees.

El arcoárbol [The archtree]

Es colorido y Tiene un pájaro de cada color de el árbol [It is colorful and has a bird of every color of the tree]

Global warming

In the right hand side it is showing everything is harmful. In the left side the environment is beautiful. To save the environment we need to stop cutting the tree, stop pollution, stop wasting water and save the Earth.

El cambio de los arboles [The change of the trees]

Hay diferentes estados en un lado hay azul en medio hay verde y en el otro lado hay rojo. [There are different states on one side there is blue in the middle there is green and on the other side there is red.]


Please don’t cut the trees because animals are dying.


There are no more trees because climate is changing and changing everyday.