2021 Contest


Save the trees to save the world.


Trees are important part of everyone’s life,


Save trees or else we will see dessert everywhere.


Save Trees


Importance of trees in our life.


We need to grow more trees.


Mother earth is crying.


Trees are reducing and greenery is reducing, everything is getting dark and black.


Grow trees, spread happiness.


Save Trees, Save Earth.


Description is written on the drawing


Description written on the drawing.


Save mother Earth.


Do not cut me, save me, I am tree.

Plant Trees

Trees help to keep our air clean, give foods and shade, everybody can live happily

Save our mother earth

It discribed that if you pollute our environment animals and plants die and we should save our environment to get wonderful life

Plant a Tree

I drew this picture because I wanted to show that trees provide oxygen for the animals who is living in mountains and hill .

Plant a tree

Trees give us oxygen that is important for all humans and animals on this planet earth. Trees provide food, protection and home for many birds and mammals.

Save our Trees

I love trees because they suck in the carbon dioxide and make fresh air.

Every Penguin Counts

This picture shows the snow and beach penguins because both types because both types of penguins need help and count. And my Antarctica penguins are thinking about the coral reef.

Coral Sea

Coral is dying. Please save the sea animals they’re crying.

Swirling Trees

The lovely trees and lovely leaves what would we be without these?

The Trees Are Dying

The trees are dying and we need to do something otherwise we will have no life.

We’re running out of time to save the earth!

We’re running out of time! Stop chopping down trees to save the earth or else we will die.