2021 Contest

The best Tree House

Trees are fun to play in. This is my sister, my mum and me. I am climbing the tree house I made and mum is watching me.


They give us oxygen and keep my family alive.

Swaying on my Swing

I love trees because you get to see beautiful birds talking to each other and they give us shade.

Listening to Trees

I love trees because they give us oxygen and we get to play on them and we get to listen to the birds.

A Lovely Picnic

I love trees because they give birds a home, they give us shade, oxygen which we breathe and they are beautiful. I like to build many houses with the twigs.

The Best Tree Ever

I love trees because you can put ropes around them and make a swing. They also give us oxygen-if we didn’t have trees, it would be horrific. They give animals homes to live in and they give us food too.

My Rainbow Treehouse

I like trees because you can make a treehouse and climb them. They give you air to breathe. This is me and my brother in the treehouse and I am going done the slide.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Love trees

Love the colours and love trees

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Trees are the breath of life

Trees are essential to keep our environment healthy.

Save trees

All the animal and beauty of nature will be safe as far as the trees are saved.

The World’s Life

Trees give shade to all living things on Earth. They make homes for all kinds of birds and animals. Trees give you life. Without them there is no us.