2021 Contest

Tree Cleaners

In with the dirty air, out with the clean air. This is what trees do for us, all day and all night. Everyday. Cleaning the world of the pollution we make. Planting more trees means less pollution.

The animal crossing tree

My native fruit tree is cherrys.

The Colour of Trees

Trees are the earth’s rainbows, bringing beauty to the world. They give us fresh, sweet smelling air and colourful flowers, fruits and leaves. I love trees.

The sprout of life

If we plant more trees climate change weakens so I entered so we can save the planet.

The Earth

The trees help us. Trees are the best.

Running out of time

Help save the earth. Where running out of time to save the Earth. Help stop the hourglass.

Save the Earth

My picture is side is not happy and the other one is happy .

Save the trees

We need to save the trees because trees give us oxygen to breathe.

we are the killers

we must save our earths lands and our water we are taking and not thanking for what we get. We take more then we even need.

Save the trees

This is what is good for the world and what is bad for the world.

Walk in a Forest of Clean Air

Would you prefer to walk in a forest of clean air or walk into factory spewing polluted air? Trees are nature’s treasure. Free oxygen for life.

Why I love trees

Cause they make air to breathe.

The Earth is Dying

The earth is dying because of us. Please Save the world! Stop using everything that harms the Earth now.

Imani Bijoux

I wish we could see the world from a bird’s eye view. The trees are spectacular. What beautiful homes they make. Protecting all creatures living in and under them.

Saving This Incredible World

My drawing is about saving penguins, coral reefs and trees so us people and animals have a healthier life and a healthier world.

Life With Trees

Life with trees is a good life.


Trees are good because they give us air. You can’t see it, but the trees give it to us for free. Keep the trees.

Bad Side Good Side

If we don’t have oxygen we won’t survive. If we do have oxygen we can survive. I drew this picture to tell people to look after the world.

Animals need trees too

All animals on Earth need trees to survive so we need to look after them.

Love Mother Nature

My drawing portrays a human hand which is holding a small plant… Gradually the plant is growing. I want to show that one single effort of growing tree can change the environment which we are living in. Love Mother Nature,

It’s a tree

Trees give us air and a special kind of oxygen.

food for Thought

What do you see hanging from the trees? Enough food for you and me and the monkeys.

Trees are important

Trees are important to me.

Trees are important

Trees are important because they help us breathe.