2021 Contest

We need trees

We need trees to survive and breathe. Trees make our earth look green and healthy. Animals need homes, like birds – they live in trees.

Trees are important

Trees are important for animals and humans.

The World’s Life

Trees give shade to all living things on Earth. they make homes for all kinds of birds and animals. Trees give us life. Without trees there is no us.

Please stop cutting down trees

Please stop cutting down trees because it will make more CO2 and trees suck in CO2.

Trees have lungs

Trees have lungs like us. Without trees, we wouldn’t be able to breathe.

Trees give shelter

Trees give shelter to animals and food to keep them healthy and from starvation.

Trees provide food and shelter

Trees provide food and shelter for animals and they help suck in carbon dioxide so people can breathe.

Animals need trees to live

Animals need trees to live and trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, and we breathe oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. That’s why I drew lungs on the trees.

Bush trees

I painted trees in the bush because I like trees. Trees give you life, food and water.

Lone Gum Tree

Trees are nature. Don’t let there be only one tree. Help us to grow more trees. They give us life.

Trees give us fresh air

Trees give us fresh air to breathe so we don’t die.

Saving the Environment

A lot of animals are dying. Not a lot of oxygen in the air.

Help save the planet and the animals

Help save the planet and the animals

Think about it

Think about it. We need to breathe, nature needs shelter, and we need shade. And they will stop pollution.

If there’s no trees, nothing can live

Animals live in and on trees/forests. We use them to breathe. So if there’s no trees, nothing can live.

Forest in the dark

This painting describes a forest in the night, I choosed to paint this because of all the deforastation and to show how beautiful trees can be when not cut in half

Trees are important

Trees are important because they are shelter and homes to some animals.

Why are trees and coral reefs important.

Trees and coral reefs help stop climate change but thousands of trees are being cut down and more CO2 is getting up into the air and making the earth hotter and causing the coral reefs and animals to die I’m not here to win I’m here to save the earth .

We need trees

We need trees for the animals. Animals need shelter from the trees. If there were no trees, then animals won’t get shelter.

Don’t chop me down

Don’t chop me down. I will help your health.

The Owl Tree

So owls can have a home to sleep and eat. So they don’t live on the ground.

Life without trees

Every day when I get bored, I plant trees and when I imagine life without them…horrible.

Play time is tree time

This drawing reminds me of my summer holidays at my grandparents. I spend my days climbing up the trees or playing on the swing with my friends.

Don’t Take Down Trees

This is the life of a penguin on a hedge looking at a tree with tulips and roses.