2021 Contest

Trees! We Love Trees!

Trees! We love trees!

My climate change art

This is about how trees can be used.

Make Trees

Don’t cut down trees because of the shade.

My climate change art

I drew this picture because people like playing around trees and having picnics.

Superman Tree

I love trees because they give us oxygen.

My climate change art

The Earth is the best. I drew this picture because it has animals.

They Give Air

I like trees because it gives us oxygen.

I Love Trees

I love trees because trees give us oxygen.


Don’t kill trees because they give us air.

Save Trees

We need to save trees. Do not cut down trees.

My climate change art

Good for oxygen

My climate change art

Trees have lived for longer than us.

Star leaf

My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.

Wild life

My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.


My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.

Good Trees

Trees are good for the earth.

Earth + Trees = Life

We need to stop this disaster! If this keeps going everything is going to perish. Wildlife has fate heading towards it plus oceans have plastic everywehre!

Trees and Animals

I like trees because they give us oxygen and some fruit.

Were Leafing

The leaves are leaving if theres no trees no leaves and if theres no leaves theres no food.

indigenous bush leaves

we painted our leaves with any colour and dot painted it with white I would describe it as a indigenous painting.

the leaves that glow

We painted leaves using lots of colours, then we stuck them on a painted background and finally we used aboriginal dot painting. there was a leaf that looked like it was glowing.

Nature of Australia

My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.


My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques

Nature is the Forest Floor

My painting is of a painting with leaves and bark. We did blending and we did a collage to make the leaves and the background. After that we did aboriginal finger dot painting.