2021 Contest

Bush Land

My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.

Save Trees

Trees give us oxygen without trees we will not survive.

The special leaves of the universe

I painted a leaf using a variety of colours and i used blending, dot painting inpired by the indigenous people

Leaves on trees

We painted leaves by using collage and put dots around the leaves like an aboriginal art

the leaves

we made a painting with 14 leaves and is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.

Leaf Blending

My Painting is made by using collage and printing techniques.

Earth Save the Pollution Side

Trees help us in every way so what about growing more trees to save the earth and for our health.

Outback Bush Leaves

We painted leaves with a variety of colours and made an outback coloured paper and glued the leaves on and then used aboriginal dot painting to paint around the leaves.

rainforest leaves

We painted Bush Medicine ( rain forest leaves ) over lots of different steps

leaves on the floor

We used paint to colour leaves and painted a backround then stuck the leaves on there with aboriginal dots around the leaves.

Breath Of The Trees

We painted leaves and stuck them on brown paper

the leafs of dirt

My painting is made by collage and paint also about indigenous

Natural explosion

My painting is all about natural leaves with all different colours.

koala leaves

We painted leaves using a lot of colours and then stuck it on a painted brown piece of paper. We used collage and then we used indigenous art work that is called dot painting.

Save the Trees

I think trees are very important. We should protect them.

Bush leaves

My painting is an aboriginal drawing using traditonal teckneques

the natural leaves

My drawing has aboriginal painting dots. Mine has red,yellow,white&black.

Happy Trees!!!

I love trees.

Panna wanika

My painting is made by collage and printing using traditional aboriginal indigenous techniques.

The 11 leaves

My painting has 11 leaves on it. it has aboriginal dots around the leaves. It is also a collage. With lots of techniques.

Save Trees Please

I love trees because it gives us air and oxygen.

Trees and Earth

Trees and earth.


leaves aboriganal art and forest ground

Great Trees

Great trees.