2021 Contest

Save Trees Save My World

Let’s Save Trees So We Can Save Our World

One Last Hope

In the shadow lots of broken parts came to the earth. All the lands starts to disappear…But if we stop the world being destroyed, then a tree stops all horrible ways coming in the future. We must stop the global warming, pollution and other tragedies. Help the earth from planting more trees to make the…  Read More

I Like Trees

Trees give us oxygen and healthy fruit.

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

Why trees are important to me

save the Earth please

I don’t like to cut trees because they give us really fresh Oxygen, habitat to the animals and shade, when ever you have time please plant a tree. Don’t put any garbage or plastic to the ocean it will destroy coral reefs and kill sea creatures.

Please protect the tress

Ple Protect the tress. Then will protect the world.

Sun through trees

My drawing represents the magic of silhouettes through the trees of a forest. A girl is reaching to the sky as you would to your dreams, and is breathing in the fresh air provided by our wonderful trees.

Trees our Lifeline

Coral reefs protects and create land. Coral reefs can dissipate wave energy for from storm and tsunamis, reducing damage on adjacent land. Tree are also important because they give us oxygen needed by us to live a long and healthy life. If we want to save penguins and coral reefs,we need to stop cutting the…  Read More

Trees Lungs of the Mother Earth

– Trees are often known as the lungs of the earth. The trees absorbs harmful carbon-dioxide and produces oxygen in earth’s atmosphere. – 25% of medicines comes from plants and trees found in the forest so we should not cut trees and we should grow more trees.

Save the trees

Save the trees and save the world