2021 Contest

Trees are beautiful

Trees are beautiful, don’t cut them down. The last two trees in the valley, dream trees for now.

Save Forest, Save Us

I would like to say with this PICTURE that we all living beings can only survive if we protect the forests!

Save the forest!

I just want to say how important trees are in our lives. this proves to us again with this eppedamie covid-19.

Save trees

For saving earth, I will grow more trees. To grow tree, I will care more.

A Beautiful Morning

A beautiful morning is a great beginning of a day…

Let us save our world

lets save our world plant more plants fill your garden with flowers, trees ,plants

Love the sea and save the sea animals

Let the sea animals to live freely without plastic.


I have drawn nature and we need to preserve it to have a cool Earth and good climate. I love nature and have drawn myself in the natures surrounding. How beautiful is our world.

The Magical King Tree

This artwork is about trees – our superheroes! Trees of the world help everyone. They help all the penguins and us too because they give us oxygen!

Nature at its best

The trees give us shade and keep the earth cool. I love the breeze that the trees give us. Birds can make them their home too.

My Treehouse

This is a picture of the treehouse in my garden.

Stop Climate Change

My drawing of a tree, standing on the Earth, is supposed to represent how carbon dioxide is changed to oxygen by trees.

Save the trees

The tree is giving shade to the girl reading the book. Trees are living things like us and we should not cut them.

Save marine life

Save the oceans,save the marine life for our future.

Save our penguins,Save our oceans,Save our sea lives…

We should save our penguins,coral reefs and sea lives…

Save penguins and marine life

Save the penguins and sea life..

The Environment Without pollution

The image shows the Beautiful world without pollution

Coral reefs and penguins

We should protect these beautiful natural resources.

Stop Global Warming

If we cut down trees ,the world will be warmer as a result the Ice in Antarctic and Arctic will get melted so stop global warming

Coral Reefs

Save coral reefs it will save sea creatures These coral reefs are beautiful and they add a beauty to the nature

My future under the tree

I read under the tree. My future is saved if I grow more trees and more kids can read under it.

Lets save our Pengiuns and Coral reefs with the mighty power of trees

Our oceans has beautiful coral reefs and also penguins that we must preserve for the earth to exist. Trees have a mighty power so that it gives life for us too and we must plant more and more trees to save them…

The Tree of Life

My drawing includes some of my favourite creatures and plants who all depend on trees in the jungle to live. If they lose their habitats some of these may become extinct in the wild during my life time which would be a preventable tragedy.

Heart in the trees

Dont make trees rare, keep them with care. Giving care to trees makes you healthy.