2021 Contest

My tree

Me and a tree.

Rainbow tree

A tree with flowers and a rainbow.

The apple tree

An apple tree with a swing and me having a picnic.


Trees help the coral reefs and penguins.

Bright world

Trees with birds and sky.

Trees and climate

Trees help the climate.

Climate trees

The clouds and lightning are in the sky with trees in the bottom.

Trees and animals

Trees with animals and insects.

More trees

Trees help the earth.

More air

Trees are beautiful.

Trees with flowers

I like it when trees have flowers and fruit.

World with trees

Trees with insects and birds.

Fruit trees

Apple trees and me in a beautiful world.


Lots of trees will help stop climate change.

World of trees

You can build treehouses and play in trees.

A beautiful world

Trees help to give us oxygen.

Trees help us

I like trees because they help the environment.

We need more trees

I like trees because trees give us oxygen and I can climb them.

Trees for oxygen

I like trees because they make oxygen and you can make a treehouse in them.

trees are good for animals

Hello I love art because it makes you smart writer and a good drawer. I love it because it makes me really become a beautiful writer and drawing

Picnic and swinging in a tree.

A picnic outside instead of inside. Playing in a treehouse swing.

Trees are good for animals

Trees are good for animals .

I love trees

Trees are earth’s lungs. Some animals live in trees. Some people cut down trees.


5 snakes 1 is on the top of the treehouse and inside a video game table a pet room with 2 birds in cages and 1 dog a bedroom a spider hanging on the tree house 5 green snake eggs and 7 red ones and there’s a tire you can swing and some Stairs some…  Read More