2021 Contest

Save the trees

This picture is about trees giving shade to animals

We love trees!

Save the trees to keep the produce of oxygen!

Trees help us help the trees

This picture is about a tree making fruit for people.

I ♥ trees


save the trees

a tree with a penguin on it

I love the Trees!!




will the tree

This tree has a beautiful scenery around it with healthy green leave and healthy brown stems.


sorry i wasn’t good at drawing on computer but i tried and also please at least donate to the trees

Save the trees!!

If you want to breathe save the trees. Trees are oxegon, trees are trees.


Trees are so important to shelter wildlife and cool the earth. They help save penguins, coral and reefs, which is key to an amazing future for us to see.

save the trees

the brown trail is the stub of the tree to represent growth and the pink blob is the lefsa of the trees to represent the beauty of the trees.

depressed tree

the tree is depressed in the wind.

save the trees

A tree with a hive.

save the trees!

people we have to save the trees.

Save The Trees

You need to save the trees because they give us oxygen and food.

The Separated Penguins

I think that trees are very important to penguins because they help reduce the Carbon Dioxide in the air which helps reduce the greenhouse effect on Earth. I drew this to resemble the separation between the penguins and the mainland.

Tree of life

The trees are important because they produce shade and give homes for animals. Most importantly, trees produce air for all of us.

The leaf blooms

I like trees because they are good hiding spots for geocatches. Trees that have apples are my favorite.

Trees – Our House

I love trees as they make my surroundings beautiful, cools the earth & give us shade! I dream of a tree house because I will be in the lap of nature day & night.

Playground Tree

This is a huge playground tree. There is a ladder that leads children to the first tree branch. In the leaves, there are two swings, one slide, one rocking horse, and a spinning wheel around the crown. There is also a baby tree(looks like a flower) on the right-hand side.

Protect the earth

we need to protect the forest and protect the earth. our world will be better and better.

Animal’s Get Homes

I like trees because they give animals a home. My favourite tree is a gum tree.

Mother Nature

I love trees so much because I love Mother Nature. I like Mother Nature because she gives us oxygen, money and paper