2021 Contest

Trees Keep Animals Alive

I like trees because they keep animals alive. My favourite tree is eucalyptus tree.

Trees Give us Paper

I like trees because they give us oxygen and paper.

Trees Clean The Air

I like trees because they suck all the CO2 out of the air so, we can stay alive. My favourite tree is every tree. I also like trees because they make paper and grow food.

Plant a tree and save many lives

My drawing describes how planting trees can reduce global warming and protect penguins, corals, marine life, and humans.

They Give Air

I like to climb trees. I like trees because they give air.

Kookaburra Tree

I like trees because I like climbing them. My favourite trees are the ones with Kookaburras in them

Animal Homes

I like trees because they help people live. I like trees because they are homes for animals and animals are the best!


I like to climb trees. Trees give us air.

Animal Shelters

I like trees because they give us shade and they give animals shelter.

Save Trees Save Fuel For Better Environment

World has limited fuel resources and fuel demand is increasing everyday. Consumption of fuel at this pace is alarming and one day this world will run out of fuel. Fuel conservation is the only solution. Save fuel, Save environment, Save Earth!!!

Air Cleaners

I like trees because they clean the air and kills Carbon Dioxide

CO2 Helpers

I like trees because they suck all the CO2 so we can stay alive. My favourite tree is a Gum Tree

Live and breathe

I like trees because they give us shade and so we can live and breathe. My favourite tree is a Lemon Tree because they give us fruit.

Save the Earth

I like trees because they are homes for animals in the world, but not fish. My favourite tree animal is a Koala.

Shady Trees

I like trees because you can have picnics. I like trees because they have shade

Climb Trees

I like trees. I can climb them and it is a home while cooling the earth

Trees Help

I like trees because they give us air. I like trees because they are beautiful

What we save, saves Us !!

In my drawing I potray how disturbing life will be without trees & nature….vs.how beautiful life would be when surrounded by nature.

One Thought Can Change the World

Trees are amazing – a playground, a home, a secret hiding spot, the answer to stopping climate change. Trees shape our world and they need to be here, this is why I have entered this drawing because this one thought of yours could stop climate change, changing the world.

lost penguin

this is a drawing of a penguin that traved far, through a long and treacherous jouney for a new begining. But regreted it immediately when he got lost and went off path and ended up in a small island in the southen Hemisphere. With no food. In the heat he sat, waiting for his eternal…  Read More

Apple Tree

It is at the edge of a forest with and apple tree and a raspberry bush.

Save the trees (and the penguins)

My drawing is a heart felt digital art piece about trees which is full of detail and hard work.

pollution vs nonpollution

this drawing shows the green, amazing side of trees as well as the sad, destroyed and polluted side of trees I hope you like it 😀

Tree Art

Drawing of a tree.