2021 Contest

Autumn Tree Canopy

the inspirational view of a former tree climber is about when trees become golden orange and are so magical to see that you cant stop yourself climbing them

save the penguin

I drew two trees with a penguin under it.

save the trees

i drew a penguin with hearts in its eyes showing it loves trees

trees for life

trees and animals

respect the trees

I drew a dabbing tree and penguin.

Trees Matter

I drew this to show that if you save trees it can equal to lot’s more like saving the penguins and saving the coral.

Charlie K’s Macaw

This is a drawing of a macaw flying above the rainforest and we are losing rainforests due to deforestation. If we stop deforestation we can store more carbon and save our ice (and penguins).

save the world it depends on you to make a change

I have submitted a picture that I connect with because when I am older I want to rule Australia or even western Australia and if I am I will make a change because I day more people go there and they will just se ice so let make this world a better place. Thanks for…  Read More

Tree of Life!

My drawing is a beautiful tree that includes many animals and plants, to symbolise that without the trees, there would be no animals or plants around. I love the importance of trees, and how we can not live without them, and neither can so many other plants and animals!

tree and pond with bug

just a plain field with trees and wildlife


mad trees

penguin on a mountain

a penguin trying a to find its way home and ended up on a mountain

save da trees

i like the bark that makes paper to drawe

Penguin Swinging😎

I drew and extremely incredibly excellent penguin and swing, the penguin is going on the swing! WaHoo!!

Avocado trees are the best

the drawing is a drawing is a description of trees

#trees and penguins

I drew an penguin near a tree. Its snowing and the penguin is holding a snowball. In the background there is a pile of snowballs.



mad trees

it is mad


My drawing is a penguin looking out into mountains.

Yeah The Trees

My drawing is a drawing that presents the beautiful nature with the animals and trees that i would love to save.

I like trees

I have drawn an image of a penguin under a tree my penguin is unique because he likes to hang in the sun he doesn’t like the cold like other penguins.

Tree Swing

Its a Tree with a swing. Penguin sitting on it.

a bird in a tree by josh

a have drawn a bird in a tree. hope you like it :]

Kalpavriksh- the wish fulfilling tree

A tree fulfills many wishes without asking for anything in return. Hence the name Kalpavriksh (Devine tree).