2021 Contest

Save Planet Earth

Ways to save planet earth and impact of climate change.

Beautiful trees

I like trees because they give us oxygen. I like trees because I can swing upside down on the branches. I like trees because birds live in them and lots of different animals live in them.


I like trees because you get shade and oxygen.


I like trees because I can make tree houses and I can climb them.


I like trees because you can make a tree house and get oxygen and you can get apples.


I like trees because I get to pick lemons and squeeze them to make lemonade and my favourite tree is a eucalyptus tree.

Trees and flowers

I like trees because I like climbing them and looking at the flowers.

Pine trees

I like trees because they give us oxygen and give us shade to have a picnic under the tree. My favourite tree is a pine tree.


I like trees because I like to climb them and eat apples off them and see my next door neighbours dog.


I like trees because we can have a picnic, we can play duck, duck, goose and tag.


I like trees because you can have a picnic under them.


I like trees because I like to climb them.

Trees are important

I think that trees are important because they help us breathe and stop global warming, they help us live. They take in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen.


I like trees because I can read beautifully in them and they are beautiful.

Let the green be seen.

I love nature and would like to enjoy them with my friends and family.

To climb

I like climbing trees and playing around trees and they give us oxygen.


I like trees.

For birds and fruit

I like trees because I like to watch the plane leaves fly down and the parrots fly about. I like the healthy fruit.


I like trees because I like having a picnic and making tree houses.

Owl Tree

I like trees because they give air to mother earth. I can climb them and they are beautiful.

Banana tree

Trees are important because of the fruit they have. Without the fruit, we would not be able to get a ton of vitamins that we need.

Tree swing

Trees are important because they help you breathe and they provide homes for animals.

Trees are beautiful

I love trees because they blossom. Trees are important because they give us food.

Trees are important

I love trees because they are beautiful in the Fall. Trees are important because they give us air to breathe.