2021 Contest

Love tree

I love trees because they help us breathe and without them we would not survive.


Big with lots of branches

Hope For Trees

Trees mean to me that the leaves on them give us oxygen and animals such as squirrels and birds that live in trees.


It is a fun tree. I like trees because I like climbing them.

Season tree 🌳

Trees are important and if they didn’t exist we would not be alive.

Good trees

Trees mean to me that they give oxygen to humans and animals or sometimes they can be really helpful


My tree is the tree of life and everyone has to save trees. It is more important to save trees and be responsible and don’t cut down trees.


The tree makes life for us and you too ❤️

The life of trees penguins and coral

My drawing on one side has penguins in the middle you have a tree on the other side you have coral with cou lors that I thought looked good.


The picnic tree gives us oxygen, food and air


The apple tree gives us oxygen and food and air too.


The love tree is what helps people love each other.


Trees look beautiful with birds and butterflies.

The Dirty Tree

Trees clean.

The tree that gives us air

The trees is what gives us air

The Underwater Tree

Because the water is safe for your tree is healthy for everyone.

The picnic tree

Trees give us love, some trees have apples and trees are good for giving you shade.

The Good Tree

Take good care of trees. If we take good care of them they will take good care of us. I love trees.


Its dark outside, home has not been found. Although, who knew being lost was this peaceful?

The fluffy flower cloud tree

Tress gives us oxygen. They are helpful. They take away bad stuff.

Stumpy Tree

Trees are important because they give us oxygen. I love trees because they give you shade and are homes for animals.

The Happy and Fun Tree

I love trees because they provide homes for animals and shade. They provide o2 for us.

Life Tree

I love trees you to right? If not trees give oxygen right? If you don’t love trees you are heartless. My home is filled with trees. I love trees.

The coral is dyeing

This painting is about how the coral is dyeing because of there being less trees because of how the acidity levels in the ocean are rising and if it gets to high there will be no coral.