2021 Contest

Nature is life

Is a mountain with trees , flowers and a little lake,I like the different colors that have the trees 🌲🌲🌳 Together, we are going to save the nature 💐🍄

Plant Trees, Save Earth!

Trees only know giving! Planting more and more trees will help us fight climate change and global warming and save our home, the Mother Earth!

Growing a tree

This is how we make a tree grow.

The Forest

This is what we can do – to protect the forest.

Save the Earth

Eventhough trees are like lifeline of the Earth, humans still continue to cut down more and more trees every year. With my picture, I hope it reminds everyone to plant more trees and save penguines, corals and other living beings and the Earth itself. It takes more than 100 years for a whole coral reef…  Read More


Trees are important because they give animals a home. It is really nice to go on a horseback ride and have a little shade from the trees.

The Nature Tree

Tree are important because they give out oxygen that gives us fresh, clean air. They help the whole planet.

Tree of Wisdom

An old tree with a swing. Tree give us oxygen and give children a place to play.

Colourful environment

The environment is a calm place. Don’t destroy it by killing trees and us!

Two ways to live

Half of Earth is dead with no trees and a coffin because we need trees to live but the other side is alive with a tree so people can live and it’s a good Earth to live on.

Branches connect the world

My picture is showing about the pollution and to stop the pollution.

Juce world

There is no reason to harm trees so don’t harm them

Drifting Away

I named this drawing (Drifting Away) because in this world lots of Antarctica is melting and lots of ice is breaking off and drifting away into the open ocean. So we have got to stop polluting this world to save Antarctica and everything on it.

Half Ice Half Land

My drawing shows that it’s half iceberg with penguins and half land with trees.

Beautiful Tree

Trees need to be alive so you can be healthy and the world is still beautiful and lovely.

Happy world

This is a world with no people

Penguins Are Dying Keep The Trees Alive

My picture shows that trees need to keep growing so penguins and people dont die.

All this is melting

In my drawing I have ice burgs penguins and trees

Climate Change

In my drawing, I had shown about the before and after climate change effect.

The night light

Trees are amazing. They are a big part of life and it reassures me that they are there protecting us.

Nature life

The penguins have no home because the ice burg is collapsing and sun is melting the ice. Trees are bleeding is getting hotter and the Coral is being bleached, by the sun and no sea animals can survive.

There is music for those who listen

It is rainbow coloured vines hanging off a tree. It is a rainbow.

One Special Tree

Trees are amazing, and we wouldn’t be able to live without them, or the oxygen that they produce for us, the penguins and the coral reefs.

One side or the other

Trees help us breathe and do it in a beautiful way. They are elegant, graceful and we should help them grow. Because if we don’t, and we let them die, we will eventually die as well.