2021 Contest

Por que te gustan los arboles [Why do you like trees?]


Plant Trees to save the Penguins

We should plant more trees to slow down climate change and save the glaciers from melting.

I can help Earth…

My Earth Day poster talks about how to Save The Earth… If we help Earth today, we will have a beautiful and safe environment to live in Future. We can help Earth by becoming more aware and not using the things which spoil the environment.

Save our Lives…

My poster talks about importance of saving trees. If you treat a tree good, they will treat you good. They will give you more oxygen, paper, fruits and medicines. Plant more tree so we can live happily. Do not pluck the leaves from the plants and let the greenery grow.

Let’s go Planting

Children can responsibility by planting, gardening and caring for the plants.

Where are the trees

I am making this drawing because you will plant trees. I know trees are important for our surroundings and for climate. There are not enough trees and we are destroying them. Please plant my tree and make my environment colourful and whole.

Save trees

We should not cut down trees. When any cut down trees. Then many animals and birds can sick. We should plant more trees.

Save a tree, save a life

“Solutions Are Very Easy” – Mother Earth S A V E M E Mother Earth is pleading to us to come up with solutions to protect trees

Two Worlds

My drawing is about the affect that climate change has on the earth, and what it would look like if we don’t do something about it. The first picture is if we do nothing about it. The second picture is if we choose to take action. SAVE THE TREES!!!

Respect the earth

I used collage to create a night time scene of a ring tail possum in a gum tree. I love walking in the bush

Save tree save life

When you cut a tree, you kill a life. When you save a tree, you save a life. Plant trees wherever you can. It can also be in the land of ice, where penguins live. We should plant more trees.

Environment Day….we care

Oxygen is life. Trees provide us with oxygen. So we must plant more 🌲 to save our lives. The more we plant trees the more cleaner air we get which keeps our lungs healthy and keep us safe.

Save Tree

My favorite fruit is apple so I want to save my apple tree


We should save the green and plant more trees near us. Its supplies OXYGEN to us as well as animals. It helps to cool our environment and control pollution.

Save Mother Earth

Mother Earth needs more trees to provide homes for Birds and Rains for more Water and clean Air. Lets Save Mother Earth for our Future.

Sunshine and Swing

My drawing shows how one can enjoy swinging on a tree with cool breeze blowing. You can also enjoy sounds of many birds. If we don’t take care of our trees we won’t be able to enjoy swinging on trees and see many beautiful birds.

Girl Under a Tree

I am under a tree swinging on the swing. It is sunset. The birds are chirping.

The Two Worlds

My drawing is about the consequences of having no trees, as well as the pros of having lots of trees.I chose to draw this as many animals call trees their home, give animals oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide which reduces breathing difficulties. Yet, we cut down 55600 trees every minute around the world!

Save trees, save earth

I drew a boy sitting under a tree, enjoying his apple. Trees save the Earth and our environment.

Playing under tree shade

I love playing amidst nature under the shades of tree with my mom & dad hence wish more and more trees everywhere.

My meadow

I wish,I could live in a small house in the meadow with a tall big tree. In the sky there are small grayish black clouds .

Trees keep animals safe

I made this because trees keep animals safe but people are not keeping plants or animals safe so trees are one of the most important things on earth. Also they let us breath so ya.

The secret life of trees

Trees give us peace and tranquility, there is a biodiversity of trees in the world, attracting beautiful birds with their beautiful songs that accompany each tree. They are very important for the environment, they are a fundamental component of the natural landscape, they produce the oxygen that we breathe in the atmosphere

LOS ARBOLES SON LO MEJOR! [Trees are the best!]

Los arboles me gustan, por que son primordial en la tierra para alimentarnos de oxigeno y además, hay unos que nos dan frutos para llenarnos de proteínas y nutrientes para nuestra salud.   [I like trees, because they are essential in the earth to feed on oxygen and also, there are some that give us…  Read More