Penguins Sweating
Don’t let the penguins sweat. Help Them. Stop polluting the atmosphere.
Don’t let the penguins sweat. Help Them. Stop polluting the atmosphere.
Countless species of animals are dying because of us. Please make a change.
Save me by not littering the ocean.
“Climate change is no longer some far off problem. It’s happening here; it’s happening now.” Barack Obama
Families are being torn apart. Help them stay together by reducing the amount of waste you produce.
Global Warming is affecting penguins due to icebergs melting away, separating penguins from each other.
It is beautiful and whales shouldn’t be killed by people. We should save the corals because they might get sick from algae.
I want global warming to stop because it is melting the icebergs and the penguins don’t have anywhere to lay their eggs. I love the fluffy warm penguin chicks and I think the adults are very good swimmers.
Whales in our class story are resorting to borrowing icebergs from the Antarctica to cool the Great Barrier Reef and its animals, as it’s getting hot in here. Whales are towing them thousands of miles. They shrink by the time they get there but it is helping to cool the water down.
I drew a picture about the sea. There is a school of fish and a whale. In the deep sea I have drawn two angler fish, these are my favourite fish. They live deep in the ocean in darkness. They use a light on their head to attract other fish. They have sharp teeth.
The world is like this now but it can be different. It can be better. Not polluted and in trouble.
Antarctica is melting so lets do our best o not let it melt and destroy the wildlife.
People please listen…don’t litter in the reef. All the sea animals are dying and if they do it will be our fault.
The reef is so important because so many animals live in it. Lets look after it.
We live on the largest reef in the world. Lets look after it!
I drew the reef looking through scuba goggles. You can see a turtle, fish and coral.
Please keep our reef clean . Don’t put rubbish in the sea.
I drew this picture because I love the Great Barrier Reef. I love how it is bright and colourful.
I will help our reef by turning off any lights when not in that room. I will not litter.
I have drawn 2 ways we are polluting the reef (plastic and carbon dioxide), but there are many more.
Bad gases and plastic is killing the turtles and other animals on the Barrier Reef.
Help the reef by picking up any rubbish you see. Also, please turn the lights off when you’re not using them.
This is about how the heat is affecting the Antarctic region where penguins live. They’re floating away from their families and have no food, so they may die. Help us to stop this.
My drawing shows penguins who are stuck on an iceberg, drifting away from their home. The ice has broken off from the land because of climate change.