2021 Contest

Lemon Tree

Stop cutting down trees when they’re trying to give you lemons and trying to solve your dilemmas.


Save the trees ! We need trees for oxygen and shade for reading a book and where would animals live ? I chose an owl in a tree because that’s there home.

Wonderful sunshine

These are my apple trees. They give us oxygen and they clean the air we also need them to survive. SO DON’T CHOP THEM DOWN.


Memories are the most important thing on earth so tell me do you have any memories of a tree?

Colourful blossom tree

This is my colourful blossom tree with an owl in it too, trees give us oxygen if we don’t have tree’s we could not live because we need airport survive. Don’t chop tree’s down it depends on our lives!

The Play Tree

My tree is a shaded tree and also a life tree also a bird tree.

The Tree Of Happiness

To me trees give the world life and shade also I like to climb trees. Trees give animals homes and food.

What Trees Do

Trees give us food and clean the air. They give animals places to live.

Less Work for Trees

Polluting the earth makes too much work for trees! They need our help to clean our air.


A beautiful tree!

Importance of trees

I have made the tree drawing because I love to play under tree shade. I also wanted to share that trees give us clean water to drink, air to breathe, shade, and food to humans, animals and plants. They provide habitats for numerous species of fauna and flora, firewood for cooking and heat, materials for…  Read More

Plant Trees,Save Coral reefs & Penguins

In the picture, i have tried to show how we should plant more trees, so that we can protect our planet earth especially Coral reefs and penguins who are getting effected due to climatic changes.

Save trees

It is about saving trees.One of the sides is good and one of the sides are bad . The good side represents that everyone is not polluting and is taking care but the bad side represents people polluting and not taking care of the earth

Don’t go exstingct

Daniel the dinosaur has travelled forward in time in a time machine to warn coral reefs, penguins and people that we need to cool the Earth so they don’t go extinct! We can all help by planting a tree!


We should love and take care of the trees, they way it does to us.

Please Plant trees to Suck greenhouse gases so it’s not too hot for coral + penguins!

I like trees because they suck in the bad air. They also make good air.

Lets do enough – Save Environment

Growing more trees can help increase fresh air. It helps save houses of birds. Even we can enjoy nature. So grow more trees and save environment.


My drawing shows that we should keep our environment green and clean. Climatic change is destroying our Earth ,lets do our best to save the trees before it is too late.

World Environment

My art describes a world which is green; full of trees, plants, beautiful flowers. The natural forest cover will save animals from being extinct and will give us good air to breathe.


He’s helping the plants. What helps the trees? Space, sun, water, care, CO2, and roots.

The CO2 Tree

I drew it because I wanted to explain how important trees are for us. Trees take CO2 and then trees transform it into oxygen.

Weather around the tree

All types of weather happens around trees. They stand firm and continue supplying us with Oxygen.

Camping by a tree

Trees provide shelter for us in so many ways. I love to go camping and I enjoy being near trees.

Care about Climate

This picture represents the global warming and changing climatic conditions.On the right half we can see how icebergs are melting leading to rise in sea level and loss of habitat for Penguins, who are asking for help.Rising temperature is represented by a very hot kettle .Deforestation and cutting of trees had led to barren lands…  Read More