2021 Contest

I love my tree

I love trees and you should too.

Grow a tree!

If everyone on Earth planted a tree our planet would be safe for many generations.

Lucia’s Tree

I love my tree, tree’s make oxygen and food. I love to play under my tree.

Even dinosaurs needed trees

Trees have been around since the time of dinosaurs and they should be here in the future too.

The forest

Forests are important for lots of reasons so lets make sure we look after them.

Don’t let the trees become extinct

Don’t let trees go the way of dinosaurs and become extinct. We need them for our planet to survive and thrive.

A magical land

The magic of nature depends on trees to continue.

Lucia’s Tree

Trees make homes for animals.

Savannah’s Tree

Trees can help us breathe air and they make homes for animals. Trees are GREAT for climbing. They give us shade and air and wood for making homes.

Tree reef

My tree reef represents the need for trees to save the coral in the Great Barrier Reef.

Sascha’s Tree

Trees give us air and they give us food.

Birds need trees

Birds need trees for their nests.

Liv’s Tree

Trees We can climb trees. Trees give us air. We can make clothes from trees. We make houses and shelters using tree parts. We can make a play ground under the trees.


Be a superhero and save the trees so that the planet can breathe.

Lenny’s Tree

Trees make homes for animals and clean the air.

All the animals like trees

All the animals like trees to live in and for food.

James’s Tree

Trees make homes for animals.

A night time forest

Animals need the forest to survive.

Indi’s Drawing

Trees We can climb trees. Trees give us air. We can make tree forts in trees and they are homes for lots of animals.

A great tree picture

We need trees!

Ilian’s Tree

Trees help us stay alive. They give us food and shade and air. Trees make homes for animals.

Gabrielle’s Tree

Trees make homes for squirrels. They clean the air.

Charlie’s Drawing

Trees give us food. They give us air.

Arlo’s Tree

Trees make homes for all the animals. They clean the air.