2021 Contest

Our life cycle starts here .. don’t let it end here too

Trees symbolize joy, flowers, playing outdoors, camping, being in nature and breathing. To me, trees are the essence of life!

Watering plants

I am watering plants so they can grow in a hammock.

Save the Sea to See the Future!

Clean up the oceans and shorelines to save marine wildlife and to keep plastic off the food chain. Destroy the ocean and you will destroy 70% of the earth. Every drop in the ocean counts. For life on earth, save our seas. Save wild life from plastic. Stop Pollution!!!

Trees Give Peace

The more trees there are, the more peaceful the world will be because tree symbolizes shelter, a shade and a place for people to gather in its shades and have positive communications.

Me eating an apple

I drew me eating an apple from an apple tree because I like trees with fruit. That is because I think that it is awesome that they can grow!

A tree’s dream

Please plant a tree so that trees can keep dreaming of new and amazing ways that they can help make the world healthier, help our penguins live a life full of adventures and keep our fish swimming in the beautiful coral. Thank you 🙂

Penguins love trees

People cut trees and global warming increase.But penguins love trees. They can’t survive without trees. Because trees absorb heat. So trees should be protected to protect penguins. We will plant trees and stop cutting trees.

Birds’ garden

I like trees because they give us air and we can build swings and treehouses. I also like trees because they are homes for many birds.

We have one chance

We need to take better care of our trees. We don’t get a another world so we need to respect and save the trees.

The bird tree

The birds like the tree, the trees looks after birds and the other animals too, like the hippopotamus and the unicorn bird. The hippopotamus has love because the environment is healthy.

The pleasant park

The pleasant park is where kids are playing. The tree in this image has some fruit an roots.the weather in the park is also pleasant. There is also a pond nearby with a swing nearby.

Trees are our whole World

In this drawing, the branches are shaped as the world to show that the whole world needs trees, the crown of the tree are different shades of green, because the color green signifies health, and I tried not to do to many harsh lines to convey that nothing in the world is perfect and completely…  Read More

One Good Tree

it looks ok well to me

love trees,

it is a park with a swing and a nice blue day of fun at the park and i hope i win

Why I Love Trees!

I drew a tree with a cat that is looking at a fish and a rainbow (good luck everyone☺)

tree love tree

a little girl looking for a apple and she found a apple tree

save the trees

a girl on a farm

My Tree and koala

I drew a tree and another tree next to it with a koala on it and in the top right, I drew the sun.

Earth is in your hands

Nowadays we forget to take care of Mother Nature and the earth even though they are the ones that provide with things to live with. We all should pledge to take care of Mother Nature because if Mother Nature is gone, we are gone too.Everybody make a decision right now if you are going to…  Read More

help the penguins from danger

my drawing is a penguin and a tree but the penguin isnt sad because it has a tree too stay near

Trees do photosynthesis

If you don’t know what photosynthesis is, it’s a process where a plant collects all the potentially dangerous stuff and turns that into clean air using sunlight.

one tree hill

dark and alone.

Mr tree-ee

My tree is a tree in summer I drew it because I fort someone would like it

a tree

I drew this tree because it reminds me of the country