2021 Contest

Issiah’s tree

The colours of trees are great.

Kayde’s tree

Trees give us air to breathe.

Jack’s tree

I love how colourful trees can be.

Baby possum tree

Trees help us breath. I like walking and looking at trees. This tree has possums in it and this is their home. I like this picture because it talks about us and our earth.

Harry’s tree a

I love how the old trees look.


I like trees because it gives you air and takes carbon dioxide.

Save the Trees!

We need to take action now or trees population will go right down and go extinct.

I Love Trees

I love trees because they give us oxygen, homes for animals and most of all, trees calm me down.

Best Trees

Trees give you air.

The Wonderful Gum

Stop and think before you do!


If we cut down trees animals are living in it and if we cut down trees we won’t have oxygen to breathe.

I Love Trees

Trees are life makers.

Cracked Tree

Animals can be very sad if you chop trees.


Till the times there are trees, there will be greenery. When there will be no trees, there will be no greenery.


We have to grow more trees so that we will get more oxygen during this corona times.


We shouls save out mother earth from pollution and global warming.


My drawing is about water pollution which is done by us .We are harming underwater animals by throwing garbage .


GO Green, Save Earth…


One monkey is eating banana. Rabbit is eating a carrot. Fish are in the river. There are trees and flowers.


Don’t pollute water by throwing garbage in it. Don’t pollute the air . Because of polluted air and water birds, fish and human beings are died also climate is changing. So please don’t pollute the air and water.

Girls like nature, please plant more trees for us

A girl that planted 4 trees , but some are still growing. All the insects and the animals are enjoying on a nice sunny day. The girl is more happy and she looks more beautful with nature. If we need more beautful girls we should plant more trees.

Trees save us from danger

I have been thinking about the future, because people are destroying the earth and that makes me scared . The most dangerous thing is about to happen if we destroy trees. I cant imagine loosing the joy of playing under a tree with my friends. A future without trees cant happens, please be kind and…  Read More


If there are more trees, there will be no air pollution. We will also get sufficient amount of water. There will be no life if we kill the trees, so we should save the trees.

Protect home of animals

I like to watch monkeys in forests. Save trees to prevent animals getting homeless.