2021 Contest

Let animals enjoy under trees

Let animals live happily under trees without disturbing them by cutting trees


It provides enormous amount of oxygen and also reduces carbon dioxide. It is a source of saving energy.


When trees are there we are there, if there are no trees, we are not there.


Trees help in maintaining ecological balance of the earth. It provides oxygen and reduces carbon dioxide. It helps in improving water quality.


Trees are important in our life. Trees gives us oxygen, food and fruits.

Save corals and penguins

The sea has some beautiful corals and penguins. I would love to see them. But there are no penguins in our country.

Save Penguins and coral

The sea has some beautiful coral reefs. We must be careful with them. Then the penguins will be protected too.

My Tree House

I Love the🌲house and I wish to explore it one day. I also enjoy eating apples 🍎 that we get from Trees.🌲

L’Arbre des Aventuriers de Cap Canaille Villars-sur-Glâne !

Un arbre ensoleillé, plein de vie et de couleurs ! Reflet des enfants qui l’ont peint ☀️ [A sunny tree, full of life and colors! Reflection of the children who painted it ☀️]

L’Arbre des Explorateurs de Cap Canaille Villars-sur-Glâne !

Une belle collaboration entre les enfants pour transformer leurs mains en feuilles. Le résultat, un arbre gigantesque ! [A beautiful collaboration between children to turn their hands into leaves. The result, a gigantic tree!]

L’Arbre des Trotteurs de Cap Canaille Villars-sur-Glâne !

Un arbre qui représente le beau travail d’équipe de tous les enfants qui ont participé à sa réalisation 🌳 [A tree that represents the beautiful teamwork of all the children who participated in its realization 🌳]

The Tree & The Sunset

This picture shows that if you cut down trees it is bad for the environment on earth. If there are no trees then we will not have oxygen for breathing. Many trees are different and they all have different aspects like this one in the sunset.

Tree House

My picture is showing that we should not cut down trees as they can be used for many purposes (like tree houses) and they also make oxygen in the air that we breathe. Instead of using wood for building you can use other materials that do not harm the environment on earth.

Sea of life

My artwork is a picture of a whale tail that has come from the sea and grown into a beautiful tree to help the sea life by giving it water and oxygen . Penguins have decided to come and help the whale tail tree and the sea life survive.

Save coral reef

Please save our coral beautiful coral reef we love nature

Tree is home

Trees are home to many animals like birds, koalas, snakes and other insects. Tree can be food to animals. Tree is important to us and all livings around us.

Trees give a home

Trees give a home to many animals. I think nature is like a big family where people are family members. We need to protect our family.

Trees give shadow

In this drawing I tried to depict the importance of trees giving shadow to animals and plants and protecting them from the ever increasing heat. You can see how happy the rabbits are.

Trees are eco warriors !!!

This tree is providing shade for a mother swan and her cygnets.

Living with Nature

In my drawing, I have drawn a person watering a plant. This shows how important water is for trees to grow. Using this, we can also say that trees are important for us to grow and in order for trees to grow, we need to take care of our Earth. My favourite thing about trees…  Read More

Coral reefs

Coral reefs under the ocean. I love ocean.

Climate change

Due to climate change Antartica is getting affected. Due to global warming Antartica’s ice is melting. Due to this penguins and coral reefs are more affected. I want to express what precautions we have to take by this drawing.

Our Planet Our Land Our Home

I like climbing trees.

Our Planet Our Land Our Home

I like the apples on the trees.