2021 Contest

leafs on nature floor

My painting is cooled leafs on the floor because that is what normally hapends in the woods

I Like Trees

I like trees.

My climate change art

Help trees help the Earth!

The animal tree

Trees give us oxygen so we can breathe and the birds use the tree by making a nest.

The family tree

Trees help us breathe and help the environment.

The relaxing tree

Trees give us shade and we can have a picnic under the tree.

The Best Tree

Trees help us breathe and help animals as the can eat stuff on the trees.

The Apple Tree

Trees give us oxygen and we shouldn’t cut them down.

“Plant Me” From the Trees

If you are not caring for the environment then plant trees because you will live in bad oxygen and you will die.

I Like Trees

I like taking care of trees in earth.

Save Trees and Penguins

I love trees and they give us oxygen.


No chopping down trees.


Trees help animals that live in trees and they give us oxygen.

Save Trees Save Penguins

Which side of this picture do you like most ? I like the greenery side because it has more trees and it feels more relaxed and happy. I like the green part of the picture. It is fresh with a lot of trees and penguins. What I’m going to tell you is that the global…  Read More

Save Trees

Trees can be homes for animals.

Save our trees

I love trees in the evening when the sun goes down and the moon is starting to shine brightly – the trees look so pretty with the different colours in the sky.

The cool tree

Trees are important because they help the land.

Save the Trees

The plane is carrying seeds to drop on the ground to grow more trees.

The Play Tree

Trees are important because they produce oxygen and you can play on them.

I Love Trees

I love trees. It makes me happy.

Good Tree

Trees are very nice because they are green and my favorite colour is green.


I like the way trees look because I like the green parts on them. It looks like an Ariel colour.

The shady tree

Trees give us shade and we can have a picnic under the tree.

Tree of life

Trees give us oxygen and give us shade. They are really fun because you can climb them. And they can give us fruit.