2021 Contest

My Australian Tree

My tree is outside my school and like to look at it and see the leaves move in the wind.

The desert trees

My tree is a desert tree because it’s not green and most of the leaves are falling off.

Climbing Tree

I love trees because they help us survive because they have vitamins in their leaves.

Save Trees…Save Earth

Plant a memory…plant a tree…do it TODAY…for our next generation TOMORROW.

Trees Are Our Greatest Friends!

Trees are our greatest friends. They provide us oxygen without which we can not live. Trees also give food to us and animals. Trees are even home to many birds and animals. We get paper, furniture, rubber, clothes and shelter from trees. In my picture, kids and animals are playing under the tree. Birds are…  Read More

Under the Sea.

Under the Sea shows how plastic bags blend into their environment which kills our animals like penguins and turtles!

The native walk.

Our trees provide us air and gives the birds, owls, and squirrels homes to live in.

Save green save life

Trees are the best gift of nature to the human beings. we cannot ignore the important of trees.

Don’t cut trees

Don’t cut trees, they give life and food.

Tree Star

Trees give us oxygen and without that we would die. Also I like to climb trees.

Help save the earth

It is about saving earth by not cutting trees, polluting the water and air through Industry.

Nature- My favourite Playground

Trees gives us fruits and cool breeze. Trees provides shelter to birds.

Trees are the solution

Trees give us oxygen so we don’t run out of it. We need a revolution to make trees the solution to fix all the pollution (rap)!

Blossom tree

I love tree’s blossoms and their colours.

The Living Tree

Trees are required for our daily lives; Plant more trees

Save trees. Save our Future

We should not cut trees. Trees gives us oxygen. A tree is the house for a bird. Save trees.

El Aire Y Los Frutos [Air and fruits]

ESTO ES UN PAISAJE NATURAL QUE LLEVA UN BOSQUE, UN SIGNO DE OXIGENO , NUBES , UN ARBOL CON MANZANAS ROJAS Y TRONCOS CON HOJAS VERDES [This is a natural landscape that carries a forest, an oxygen sign, clouds, a tree with red applies and trunks with green leaves]

Play Tree

I love trees because trees play with me. They calm me when I’m sad. They give me life. I love Trees!

Unique Tree

I love trees because they help us be happy, like when you go to the beach on a hot day and all you want is shade or when you smell the lovely smells they give to our planet. The name for my tree is Unique Tree.

Smaller Leafy Tree] and Big Leafy Tree

I believe trees are worth saving because they allow life to thrive, life to be unhappy and enjoyable. They keep everyone happy, healthy and content.

The broken flower

As temperatures and ozone levels rise, blossoms are adjusting their UV pigmentation. To adapt to climate change, some flowers are darkening their hue to protect themselves from the sun’s radiation, new research shows.

Life of Trees

I think we should keep our trees because animals in the environment like to rest in trees. So, Protect our Environment!

Tree of Life

I love trees because they give native animals a home. They give oxygen to the world. Trees are life.

Trick Tree

I love trees (especially figs) because you can climb them, stick swings, yoga swings, trapezes, rope swings and more. I love doing all these things and trees help me do it for they give me air so I can breathe and stay alive to do these things.