2021 Contest

Last Tree Left

My artwork has one tree standing because we are not protecting trees.

Half half

I like trees because I love climbing them.And they help us breathe. Trees also provide protection to some animals.

Save the trees 🌳🌳

Take care of all the trees of our planet Use the brain to think that the nature is the most beautiful think that exist

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better “

Nature can reveal its beauty in all places and at all times to the eye that knows how to look for it.

Save the trees

I like to climb up trees. I like to sit in the shade that trees give me.


The idea behind my drawing is to Stop deforestation and grow more trees to save Earth. Trees gives life to people and all living things. Trees gives us oxygen so we can live and fruits to fill our tummy when we are hungry.

Save our home, and theirs’ !

I love watching the little birdies flying and singing from up the trees, let’s not take their homes away from them! Planting more trees will mean more pretty birdies !!


Trees give out oxygen, even because of them we have the rains, in short they maintain ecological balance. If we would cut trees what is going to happen is that population won’t stop growing but oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce..They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen

My Dream Tree

Every time I see a tree I like when there is a swing on it.

My Joyful Tree

I drew a tree with flowers and butterflies because they are really pretty

Tree Friend

I like trees because they are beautiful in a garden

My Watching Tree

I love sitting on rocks and see the tree

The Playful Tree

I drew a tree because I like playing with them

Big Oak Tree

I drew this because I like climbing trees!

Swing Tree

I like to swing on the tree

Striped Tree

I like the blue stripes on the trees

Smokey Trees

As smoke covers the skies, the trees will not survive. Give the trees a chance people!

The tree of oxygen

Cool and colorful

Tree drawing

My drawing is a world with the difference between a world that is treated after and a world that is not treated after

World peace

The word represents people not chopping trees down and a safe inviroment

The Saving Life Tree

I love trees because sometimes I sleep under the trees. I love that they give me shade and I love that they give homes to all living creatures. Trees protect us from climate change because they cool us down and sometimes even make us too warm because we need more trees.

Boab Tree

I love trees because they protect us from climate change. Trees give us oxygen and we give them carbon dioxide. We plant trees at our school. The trees at our school have koalas in them. My tree is a Boab tree.

Help the Trees

I like trees a lot and trees can provide oxygen. Please help every living thing by planting trees. My trees name is help the trees.

Lemon Tree

The Lemon tree will give you free lemons, oxygen, seeds and food.