Blue day
Lots of blue and a little grey
Lots of blue and a little grey
This is representing that some penguins are losing homes and getting lost
Climate change is affecting the Antartica we need to put a stop to it
Save the penguins because the climate change makes it hot for the seals,penguins and the polar bears.
Save the penguins or they won’t live!!😭😭
A penguin drifting away from his friends on the ice
This is a Christmas penguin and ice that is melting and all the water around him is ice that had melted
Stop braking the Ice. Because penenguins need to lay there eggs.
We can save the sea by not littering, eat good and stay safe.
Save the penguins from icebergs, hunger and killer whales. Save these awesome animals.
Save the emperor penguins because they are in danger.
We need to save the reefs because some animals in the reef are destroying it and we should stop leaving rubbish in the environment because then it washes into the reef.
The coral reef is dying. We need to save it. We can start by not breaking the coral. And the oil that comes out of boats and jet skis.
He has had global warming take him away how sad
My picture demonstrates the beginning of coral bleaching with the coral showing their vibrant colours then some coral have lost their colour and turned white. I love all the colours of coral, I would like coral to be saved so many more people can enjoy it too.
I like the turtles on the reef. They are nice because the turtles clean the reef.
I don’t think we should litter because it harms the animals. The turtles eat the plastic bags because they think it’s jelly fish and then they float because they have eaten too much plastic.
Save the penguins because they are getting hurt quickly. So don’t let them pass away too quickly. PS keep them safe.
Put your rubbish in the Bin! Don’t use plastic bags, instead use fabric bags!
He is snorkelling.
I love this so much
Coral, sharks and a submarine. And some penguins!
The ice is breaking
Penguins and fishes