2018 Contest


I love sharks and don’t want them to die. I don’t want their homes to be destroyed

Come see me

We should keep the reef safe because tourists go to look at the marine life.

Ocean Life

I love the ocean!

Great Barrier Reef

We should save the reef so the animals can survive and the coral too. Please don’t drop rubbish on the ground. SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT PLEASE!


I love everything about the reef.


I love the wildlife in Antarctica. I love all the animals in Antarctica and I’d hate to see it all go.

penguin drawing

My. drawing has a coral reef on the bottom of the page and 3 penguins in the top and a wavy icey background

Save our penguins

My drawing is about penguins in Antarctica. Penguins are my favorite animals and I’m very worried about the ice melting and penguins having no home due to the global warming.

Global warming is bad

My drawing is about penguins and how global warming is thinning the ice. That means there could be a break halfway through the continent. Which means animals have to adapt to smaller spaces.

Beautiful Sea: saving our coral reefs

My drawing is about coral reefs in danger. I love coral reefs that’s why I am saying look after our coral reefs.

Save our penguins

My drawing is about penguins in Antarctica. I love penguins and I worry about if the ice melts and they get hurt or sick.


My drawing is about scientists studying how global warming is affecting penguins and marine life. They are also looking at the eggs and nests.

Underwater adventurer in the reef

My drawing is about the lady discovering the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef before coral bleaching.


My drawing is of a shark which lives in the ocean.

Save our sea animals

I think that the sea animals and coral should be well looked after.

Save our ocean!!!

My drawing is about penguins and coral in Antarctica. I love penguins and coral and worry about the ice melting and the water turning warm being affected by global warming.

Save all of the animals

My drawing is about the sharks that live in the Great Barrier Reef. I love sharks. I want the people to stop catching them and let them free.

Save our penguin!

My drawing is about penguins in Antarctica. I love penguins and worry about if the ice will melt. Hopefully their isn’t sharks.

Rescue us!

My drawing is about penguins in Antarctica affected by global warming. I’m worried about the penguins because if it gets too hot the ice will melt and there wouldn’t be any homes for the penguins.

Its a nawhale

My drawing is about nawhales in the north pole. I love nawhales because they are kind of like unicorns. I worry about it because it may not be able to find food and may die. That’s why I want to save them.

Penguins ask us to please stop using plastic

My drawing is about penguins. They are asking us to please stop using plastic.

Save the coral reef

My drawing is about saving the coral reef. I love coral reef because it’s a beautiful scene and lots of animals live there. Sadly rubbish and global warming destroy coral and the reef.

Save the Reef

This is my art entry to help save the reef. I created this because in our class we learnt about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and only through that I realised how bad it is.

Save the Reef

Save the reef