2021 Contest


Save our trees and oceans! I love that our penguins, reefs and oceans are all linked with nature – but if we cut them down, we cut them too!

Coral reef

Corals need trees to provide the best air quality so that they can thrive.

What we want

What we want: trees! What cutting them down does: kills our penguins!

The treehouse

Penguins don’t live in treehouses but it would be good if they did.

Before and After

I was inspired to draw this as I am devastated about we have done to the trees and the reefs! Help us build a better future!

Penguins and trees

Penguins never see trees but they are both connected.

Coral is like a tree

Coral is like a tree that lives on the reef.

Save Our Oceans

Our oceans need help! The creatures and reefs will die if we keep cutting down the trees so please help us save the planet!

Trees and Swings

I drew a tree with a swing on it because I like trees and swings.

A tree

We need trees to save the world. Trees are good!


I like trees because they are full of lovely green leaves and it’s a great place to have a picnic and a good place to have shelter. I also like trees because you can get fruit from the trees.

The connection

Trees are connected to the health of our oceans.

Stop climate change

Trees are important because they bring oxygen to the Earth and reduce climate change. Trees can help save the coral reefs and the penguins by keeping the heat away from the ocean and cool the Earth.

Blossom tree

What I love about trees is that they give us air. They are beautiful to stare at too.

Save the tree

This is my drawing to encourage more people to please plant more trees for the environment.

Magic trees

I think trees are extremely important because they take in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen to help us breathe. They are a huge contribution to fighting climate change. They cool the Earth to change the climate.

The lonely tree

The lonely tree. Start planting trees when you cut them down because they are lonely.

Lets Join our hands to Save Trees

Trees save us by giving oxygen, so we should save trees by not cutting them down.

TRees for us all

Trees standing strong, help nature and us too! Tree standing strong.

The big treehouse

I like trees to make treehouses and for birds to live in and other animals.

Trees for us

I like trees because when we play football and we are hot they provide shade for us. I also like trees because they breathe in CO2 and breathe out oxygen which helps our environment.

Save the amoson (Amazon)

Looking after nature is important. Homes for birds in branches and hollows too. This is a Manna Gum.

Hollows are homes

Trees can be homes to creatures living in hollows. It can take 100 years for a hollow to form.

The tree

Koalas love to sleep in trees.