2021 Contest

Aivah’s Tree

Trees are important, they give us oxygen and they give us food like oranges and apples and pears.

rivers to seas

I love trees because they are fun to climb. Be careful what you put in rivers, they flow to the sea, and the sea life needs a clean ocean to survive.

How long will it take to grow?

Birds and children saddened by the loss of a tree, wondering how long it will take to grow back.

Terrific Trees

It’s all about terrific trees! The young tree on the left is the future for birds, while the tree stump on the right leaves the bird sad and angry.

Coral reefs

Coral reefs are the home to marine animals lets protect them.

A Majestic Tree

This is a beautiful tree near school with a rope swing that I love as it’s so fun and we can swing in the shade. It’s also home to lovely song birds and other creatures.

Danger caused by humans.

This picture describes human activities done and quick future about the environment. Humans cutting trees and it will increase global warning due to that large ice Berg’s will start melting so the penguins, seals and more animals will lost their homes and suffer with the extreme warm climate condition this may cause the extinction of…  Read More


Animal behaviours during winter

Save penguins and the coral reefs

I drew the picture with 4 happy penguins and corals and snow falling and it is an afternoon.

Save these beautiful creatures

Its about penguins that are in enderngered animals.

Save The Earth

The Earth is our mother nature. But due to our negligence, my mother nature is sick. So it is our due to protect my world from this disaster. So let’s join our hands to SAVE THE EARTH!

Tree House Slide

I wish to live with nature in my own treehouse which will have a slide for me to also have fun Kabir, Age 5


I love rainbows. More trees make more rainbows.

Trees – The Pillars of Life

My drawing depicts trees branching out to bring the unique and diverse ecosystems together on earth by absorbing the excess heat and carbon dioxide and still managing to stand tall.

Coral reef

It’s a coral reef that is alive and well. They are fishes and other sea creatures. There are many coulourful corals and seaweeds.

Island Palm Tree

I painted a picture of a palm tree on an island as I know that sea level rise is causing some islands to flood. Trees can help to cool the Earth and slow down the rising sea level.

Road to future

The left side of the artwork shows that that what can happen to Earth if there is Global Warming.The right side shows that what will it be like Happy Earth will be like.

The Universal Tree of L.I.F.E.

We all are dependent on the “Forever Life Giving Trees of Earth”. Trees only know how to give unconditional love and ask for nothing in return. Only “We” as Human beings can save the trees and save everything else on earth.My drawing depicts how We all are an Eternal part of the Trees and the…  Read More


Let’s not add waste to the sea, Let’s protect the sea

An eagle landing on a tree

I love eagles and eagles love trees! This is my painting of an eagle landing on the top of a tree.

No palms!

We hope palms and tropical trees never make it to Svalbard.

2 worlds

2 worlds, 1 future, choose wisely

Save trees, they are home to animals

Trees give us oxygen and are home to animals. Save trees, save earth.

Let Mother Nature Nurture

I love trees as they are very strong and they can hold my beautiful hammock. I can relax in the loving lap of Mother Nature and eat sweet loving fruits that grow on the trees.